Marvel Legends ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ Wave Up for Pre-Order

Hot off the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer comes the first wave of Marvel Legends figures supporting the upcoming film. Three figures from the film are accompanied by three more from other Spider-Man properties, totaling six figures plus Armadillo as the builld-a-figure.

You can pre-order any or all Marvel Legends figures from this wave at Entertainment Earth, including the entire wave case with free shipping.

The three Marvel Legends figures from Spider-Man: No Way Home in this case are Doctor Strange in a movie-accurate outfit, Spider-Man in a new black-and-gold outfit, and finally J. Jonah Jameson to yell at any other figure in range.

It’s fairly safe to expect many more Marvel Legends figures from Spider-Man: No Way Home to be revealed closer to the film’s release.

Jumping out of Marvel Comics for this wave are Morlun and Marvel’s Shriek. The latter utilizes an all-new pin-less female body that is slightly shorter than the previous one.

Last but certainly not least is Miles Morales looking like he jumped right out of the Sony PlayStation 5 game, Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales. Miles has an alternate head so you can display him masked or unmasked.

If you buy all six figures then you’ll be able to assemble the monstrously big Armadillo figure. While he doesn’t quite roll up into a ball, he’s quite formidable nonetheless.

Marvel Legends Spider-Man: No Way Home Wave Pre-order

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