The Walking Dead Episode 312 Sneak Peek Footage Stops for No One

The Walking Dead Episode 312 Sneak Peek Footage Stops for No OneAt the conclusion of last night’s episode of The Walking Dead, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) informed his two unofficial lieutenants Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Hershel (Scott Wilson) that he was heading on a supply run. He would be taking Michonne (Danai Gurira), to test her allegiance, and his son Carl (Chandler Riggs), who is “ready” to take his new not-so-little asskicker persona beyond the prison walls and into the thick of the world.

A new sneak peek from the upcoming episode ‘Clear’ is plucked from the beginning of this excursion into the Georgia countryside. It begins with an ominous reminder of when the outbreak first began in the form of a roadside sign, “Erin, we tried for Stone Mountain – J.”

As Rick, Michonne and Carl barrel down the road in their car, a lone man can be seen in the distance. Rick in his current state of mind would pay the man no attention despite his cries for the car to stop. But Michonne is driving, and knowing her need to make Rick accept her, she doesn’t break to help the man while Carl looks on in disbelief.

The Walking Dead: Season 3 episode 312 ‘Clear’ premieres this upcoming Sunday at 9/8c on AMC.

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