Marvel vs Capcom 3 Unlockable Characters Guide

There are a total of 38 available characters you can play as in Capcom’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for Xbox 360 and the PS3. Of those 32 are available right off the bat, 4 more including Akuma, Sentinel, Hsien-Ko and Taskmaster are hidden and unlocked through the process of earning Player Points (PP) playing the game, and 2 more including Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath are only available as DLC.

How to unlock the 6 extra secret characters is pretty straightforward. With the help of this short and simple guide, you’ll be able to expand your character roster sooner rather than later.

The first unlockable character is Akuma who becomes available once you reach 2,000 PP. The quickest and easiet way to reach 2,000 PP is to cruise through the ‘Arcade Mode’ from start to finish on ‘Very Easy’ difficulty. At the completion in roughly 15-20 minutes you should easily have enough PP, though if you don’t then simply start playing the same mode again.

Next up is Sentinel who will cost you 4,000 PP to add to your character selection screen. Like Akuma you’re best bet to earn him quickly is to jump into and complete ‘Arcade Mode’ on the ‘Very Easy’ difficulty. With double the points required, you’ll have to play through twice which will obviously take you twice as long.

By now you’ve caught onto the pattern so I’ll wrap these last two up quickly. Hsien-Ko and Taskmaster require 6,000 and 8,000 PP, respectively. If you’re sick of ‘Arcade Mode’ then jump into ‘Training Mode’ or some ‘Character Challenges’ for a little variety. Otherwise play through the ‘Arcade Mode’ several times until you have enough PP to permanently add these characters to your collection.

The final two characters, Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath, are available exclusively (for now) with the Marvel vs Capcom 3: Special Edition package for the PS3 or Xbox 360 (both of which are currently sold out at at the time of this article). The exclusive window for these characters will close on March 15 at which time both will be available for anyone to purchase via DLC.

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