Andrew Garfield Chats Spider-Man Prep

While chatting with THR about his new film Never Let Me Go co-starring Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan that premiered at Telluride this past weekend, Andrew Garfield opened up about preparing to portray Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Sony’s reboot of the superhero franchise.

“I have been waiting for this phone call for 24 years, for someone to call me up and say, “Hey, we want you to pretend to be a character that you’ve always wanted to be all your life, and we’re going to do it with cool cameras and cool effects and you’re going to feel like you’re swinging through New York City, he said when asked about what prep work he’s done for the film. “Do you want to do that?” [laughs] “Let me just consult with my seven-year old self and see what he thinks…” So my seven-year-old self started screaming in my soul and saying, This is what we’ve been waiting for. Like every young boy who feels stronger on the inside than they look on the outside, any skinny boy basically who wishes their muscles matched their sense of injustice, God, it’s just the stuff that dreams are made of, for sure. It’s a true f**king honor to be part of this symbol that I actually think is a very important symbol and it’s meant a great deal to me, and it continues to mean something to people. So yeah, I feel like I’ve been preparing for it for a while. Ever since Halloween when I was four years old and I wore my first Spider-Man costume.”

Garfield also stated he plans to approach Spider-Man like any other role that he cares deeply about, to focus on the role and not the distractions that may come with this great responsibility to Spider-Man fans that he’s accepted. Part of that focus comes from making sure he’s as flexible as possible when shooting begins this December.

Source: THR

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