Robert Rodriguez’s Predators Sooner Than Later: Next Summer!

Exhibitor Relations is reporting Fox has announced the Predator reboot, dubbed “Predators,” will be released on July 7, 2010. This is the same Predators that yesterday Robert Rodriguez confirmed was on his upcoming slate of movies to work on.

And what a slate that has become. In June he will begin shooting Machete for a summer 2010 release. He’s already working on Nerverackers for Weinstein slated for an April release next year. Also on the man’s docket is The Jetsons and rumor magnet Sin City 2.

Either Robert is planning on cloning himself a few times over or his participation will be producer at best. There is no feasible way he can direct three films between now and year’s end.

If this Predator reboot is “a bold new chapter in the Predator universe” as Fox touts, they had best get a director on board stat. I have a hard time imagining they can whip up the epic sequel we’ve been thirsting for decades in just over a year with no pieces yet in place.

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