Weekend Box Office Predictions Game: Cop Out to Crazies

Aside from Shutter Island, the Prophet went low in the last round of the Weekend Box Office Prophet game to cleanly sweep the average player scores (view last round’s results). As a result of the Prophet win and there being less than 100 total players, all the prizes from last week roll into this new round.

Joining holdovers James Cameron’s Avatar, Valentine’s Day and Shutter Island with Leonardo DiCaprio in the game this week is the 80s homage to buddy cop movies Cop Out starring Tracy Morgan, Bruce Willis and Sean William Scott, and the remake of George A. Romero’s 1973 The Crazies that stars Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell and Danielle Panabaker.

The object of this game is to guess the final domestic box office dollars in millions for these five films from Friday, February 26 through Sunday, February 28. Your prediction is averaged in with the other players for a cumulative score to compete against the Prophet predictions (view the leaderboard).

Should the average player differences between the actual box office gross and predicted grosses beat the Prophet for 3 or more of the 5 films, the top player will win five prizes or the equivalent of a new Blu-ray Disc collection:

  • Mystic River on Blu-ray Disc
  • Walk the Line on Blu-ray Disc
  • Halo Legends on Blu-ray Disc
  • Universal Soldier Regeneration on DVD
  • NEW THIS WEEK: The Running Man on Blu-ray Disc

If the Prophet wins then all five prizes will rollover into the next round and be joined by a sixth. Should 100 or more players participate and the Prophet wins, the top finisher will receive this week’s new prize while the other prizes will roll into next week. Al the more incentive to help us drum up additional players.

Once you are logged in, the average player scores will update in real time below as new predictions are entered. The entry period will close the evening of Thursday, February 25, with this round’s results being published in the next round’s game page on Tuesday.

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