‘Full Throttle Remastered’ Review: Still King Of The Road.

Full Throttle Remastered is the latest LucasArts point and click adventure game to get the HD treatment from developer Double Fine Productions. The original, released in 1995, was designer Tim Schafer’s first solo project. It seems fitting that the man who created one of the best adventure games of the 1990’s PC era is now bringing it back with a shiny new polish. Set in 2040, players follow the story of Ben, the tough as nails leader of the Polecats biker gang, as he tries to figure out why someone wants him dead and save his gang in the process.

After an apocalyptic event that is never really talked about in the game wipes out most humans, Malcom Corley’s motorcycle company, Corley Motors, became a huge success. They sell the only hogs and merch for the modern riders, akin to Harley Davidson today, just in a Mad Max-like movie setting. As the story begins, our main man Ben and his gang are introduced overtaking the limo that an elderly Mr. Corley is riding in on his way to a shareholder meeting. He insists on stopping at the bar the gang stops at, going inside to chat. Soon, his obviously up-to-no-good VP, Adrian Ripburger (voiced by the always amazing Mark Hamill), follows him in and offers the Polecats a chance to work as hired security for Mr. Corley. Mr. Ripburger does not take too kindly to being told the Polecats are not for hire, and attempts to take Ben out of the picture and get his way. When Ben wakes up from the botched murder attempt, it’s on.

Full Throttle Remastered plays the same as previous adventure games from LucasArts and Double Fine. Players control Ben as he walks around areas and the connecting larger map areas. Talking to characters he encounters will unlock dialog and further the story. Most times it’s a matter of find “this” and “give someone that” for so and so and then progress to the next step. Full Throttle Remastered is definitely the most straightforward of the LucasArts adventures when it comes to these “puzzles.” At some point, there are basic combat scenes, riding your bike while punching someone may be fun, but the “action” is so basic it isn’t necessary. The story is what makes Full Throttle Remastered still unique and refreshing.

In the past, Full Throttle was criticized for being rather short, and that is still true today, unfortunately. First time players will probably get a good six hours out of it, but those who played it in the past and remember what to do, will probably complete it in about half that time. Those hours should be enjoyable for any fan of the genre, or to just re-play and enjoy a classic with its new makeover. The ability to swap between the original game and remastered is a blast for me personally. Just like in previous Double Fine Remastered titles, players can press the touchpad to play the game as it was originally made. Wow, what a difference! I feel old now.

The differences in sound quality surprised me most. I knew how dated the original graphics were being over 20-years-old now, but it was also one of the first only CD-ROM releases and used recorded audio, a big deal at the time because not everyone had a drive. Double Fine did a great job cleaning it up. I had forgotten how good the music was. The soundtrack was provided by an actual biker band called The Gone Jackals. At the time, I was too young to fully respect how good the songs were and how much they really set the tone of the game. The added commentary is a nice bonus for fans as well.

Full Throttle Remastered is a well done update and remaster of a classic and a pinnacle game in the adventure genre. The voice acting and story still hold up and the graphic overhaul makes it feel like you are playing an interactive cartoon. Tim Schafer and Double Fine Productions have unfortunately run out of Tim’s previous games at LucasArts to remaster at this point, so maybe we could see some sequels? A Full Throttle sequel was planned at some point, so keep your fingers crossed. Even if you have never played Full Throttle or just want to relive this classic, Full Throttle Remastered is a great way to do it. While short in length, the MSRP is only $14.99 and it is well worth it for such a great game experience.

Full Throttle Remastered is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. This review is based on a PS4 copy provided for that purpose.

out of 5

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