Ubisoft brings Far Cry to Xbox 360

Just a few weeks ago I reflected on the Xbox 360 launch and how some stellar Xbox-only games like Far Cry Instincts were buried by next-generation hype. Their short lifespan at the hands of superior hardware is a shame because in many respects, some are better all-around games than several Xbox 360 launch titles.

Ubisoft isn’t so quick to write off their Fall 2005 Xbox line-up though, first announcing Heroes of the Pacific is Xbox 360 bound and then again today announcing Far Cry Instincts Predator will debut on Xbox 360 this Spring along with an updated Xbox-only version, Far Cry Instincts Next Chapter (working title). This time around Xbox 360 is the focus as Predator includes all the new stories and characters found in Next Chapter, as well as the entire original Far Cry Instincts beefed up for the meatier console. Think along the lines of the improvements made to Conker’s Bad Fur Day when it was ported to Xbox.

Next Chapter touts obvious new graphics to take advantage of 720p resolutions, improved overall game performance, as well as heightened enemy and vehicle A.I. and my personal favorite for a good old fashion ass kicking, more enemies on-screen at once.

For now enjoy the first two Far Cry Xbox 360 screenshots – oddly sent to us in non-widescreen formats – and be on the lookout for more media with the Spring release date just around the corner.

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